Today Percepta Associates released its 2016 Protein Electrophoresis and Western Analysis, Series 3 Life Science Dashboard™ market research report which draws comparisons to key market indicator data reported in Percepta’s 2013 Series 2 Dashboard.   This updated dashboard reveals an increase in growth rates for 6 of the 7 product categories surveyed compared to 2013 findings, with highest anticipated growth of approximately 6% for precast protein electrophoresis gels and protein capillary electrophoresis systems.   This market is projected to be worth $407 million in 2017.

Thermo Fisher Scientific leads share of spend in 4 of the 7 product segments surveyed and Bio-Rad leads in 2 segments.  However, GE Healthcare and Promega are notable share of spend gainers in specific segments compared to 2013 findings.

Percepta reports increased frequency of use in all protein electrophoresis and western analysis product segments compared to 2013 findings with the greatest increases in western detection reagents and protein stains, with greater than 8% increased frequency of use.

Almost 40% of users are interested in switching western detection reagents and approximately one third of users, across all segments surveyed, are interested in switching their primary supplier.  Drivers of switching are revealed in this updated report.

This report provides rapid access to actionable key market indicators for the protein electrophoresis and western analysis market, including market size and growth rate, supplier share of spend, customer satisfaction/ propensity to switch and end-user downstream applications, in an ‘at a glance’ easy to understand format, for the following market segments in North America and Europe:

  • Protein capillary electrophoresis systems
  • Precast protein electrophoresis gels
  • Reagents for pour your own protein electrophoresis gels
  • Protein standards
  • Protein stains
  • Western blotting membranes
  • Western detection reagents


Share of mentions is also included on the following electrophoresis apparatus segments:

  • Protein electrophoresis apparatus
  • Western transfer device
  • Electrophoresis power supplies

The 2016 Protein Electrophoresis and Western Analysis Dashboard™ was developed from responses to a 44-question survey completed by 495 scientists located in North America and Europe and is focused on the use of protein electrophoresis and western analysis products in the life science research market.

The following suppliers were surveyed for this report:

Agilent Technologies
Beckman Coulter
Caliper Life Sciences
CBS Scientific
Cell Biosciences/Protein Simple
G Biosciences
GE Healthcare
Groton Biosystems
Jule Biotechnology
KPL Laboratories
Li-Cor Biosciences
New England Biolabs (NEB)
Pall Corporation
Perkin Elmer
Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
Sigma Aldrich/EMD Millipore/Merck
Thermo Fisher Scientific


To view report sample data, order the report or for more information visit

About Percepta

Founded in 2005 in Carlsbad, California Percepta Associates is a specialized consultancy providing expert business intelligence for the life sciences including market research, strategic business planning, portfolio management, product and corporate branding and marketing communications services. For more information visit:


Percepta Associates Inc.
Alison Rowland
Phone: 877-597-9236